佐倉歯科医院 sakura dental office - 佐倉市, 千葉県

住所: 日本、〒285-0837 千葉県佐倉市王子台3丁目8−番8号 佐倉歯科医院 sakura dental office.
電話番号: 434613535.

専門分野: 歯科医院.
その他の興味深いポイント: トイレ, 要予約, 新患の受け入れ.
口コミ: この会社はGoogle My Businessで1件のレビューを持っています。
平均意見: 5/5.

の場所 佐倉歯科医院 sakura dental office

佐倉歯科医院 (Sakura Dental Office) is a dental clinic located in Saruta, Chiba prefecture, Japan. The address is 〒285-0837 千葉県佐倉市王子台3丁目8−番8号. You can easily find it with Google Maps or other navigation apps.

The clinic's phone number is 434613535. If you have any questions or would like to make an appointment, feel free to give them a call. Their website is currently under construction, but you can still get in touch with them through their phone number or by visiting the clinic in person.

佐倉歯科医院 is a specialist in dental care. They offer various services such as dental check-ups, cleaning, fillings, and more. They are equipped with the latest dental technology and provide high-quality care to their patients. If you are looking for a reliable dental clinic in the area, 佐倉歯科医院 is a great choice.

One notable feature of the clinic is their restroom facility, which is clean and well-maintained. However, it is recommended to make a reservation in advance, especially for new patients. They also accept new patients, so don't hesitate to visit them if you are looking for a new dentist.

As for their reputation, 佐倉歯科医院 has received positive reviews from their patients. They have one review on Google My Business with a perfect rating of 5/5. This shows that they provide excellent care and service to their patients.

In conclusion, if you are looking for a reliable dental clinic in Chiba prefecture, 佐倉歯科医院 is a great choice. They offer high-quality dental care, have a convenient location, and have received positive reviews from their patients. Be sure to make a reservation in advance and don't hesitate to contact them through their phone number or by visiting their clinic. We highly recommend 佐倉歯科医院 for all your dental needs.

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