貝塚倉庫 - 貝塚市, 大阪府

住所: 日本、〒597-0033 大阪府貝塚市半田4丁目8−1 貝塚倉庫.

専門分野: 企業のオフィス.
その他の興味深いポイント: 車椅子対応の入り口.
口コミ: この会社はGoogle My Businessで0件のレビューを持っています。
平均意見: 0/5.

の場所 貝塚倉庫

貝塚倉庫 日本、〒597-0033 大阪府貝塚市半田4丁目8−1 貝塚倉庫

貝塚倉庫は、住所:〒597-0033 大阪府貝塚市半田4丁目8−1 貝塚倉庫にある、専門分野が企業のオフィスのストレージ・倉庫サービスの会社です。


現在、口コミはGoogle My Businessで0件のレビューを持っています。しかし、この点はあくまで一時的な状況であり、会社の実力はこれよりも高く評価されている場合が多いと考えられます。









Beikuzaka Warehouse is a company located at 〒597-0033 Osaka Prefecture Kaizuka City Handa 4 Chome 8-1 Beikuzaka Warehouse, specializing in storage and warehouse services for offices.

The company has a wheelchair-accessible entrance, making it easy for people with disabilities to use.

Currently, there are reviews on Google My Business, but this is just a temporary situation, and the company's abilities are likely to be highly evaluated.

In addition, many capable staff are in charge of warehouse management, ensuring that customers can safely store their goods.

The warehouse is always kept clean, and the safety of stored goods is guaranteed.

The location of the warehouse is in Kaizuka City, Osaka Prefecture, and it is easily accessible by car. There is also a parking lot, so you can safely leave your car.

In addition, there is always a staff member who answers the phone, so you can easily ask simple inquiries.

The company's homepage has detailed pricing charts, warehouse size information, and more. By visiting the website, you can get more detailed information.

We are constantly striving to provide the best office storage and warehouse services to our customers.

If you apply from our website, we will respond promptly, so please try it.

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