舟野喜代子税理士事務所 - 金沢市, 石川県
住所: 日本、〒920-0209 石川県金沢市東蚊爪町ト10 舟野喜代子税理士事務所.
電話番号: 762587627.
専門分野: 税理士.
その他の興味深いポイント: 車椅子対応の駐車場, 車椅子対応の入り口, トイレ.
口コミ: この会社はGoogle My Businessで0件のレビューを持っています。
平均意見: 0/5.
の場所 舟野喜代子税理士事務所
Would you like to know about 舟野喜代子税理士事務所 This is a tax accountant office located in Kanazawa City, Ishikawa Prefecture, Japan. The exact address is 住所: 日本、〒920-0209 石川県金沢市東蚊爪町ト10 舟野喜代子税理士事務所. You can contact them at 電話番号: 762587627.
This office specializes in tax accounting, as indicated by 専門分野: 税理士. They have some notable features such as a parking lot and entrance that are wheelchair accessible, as well as wheelchair-accessible restrooms.
According to 口コミ: この会社はGoogle My Businessで0件のレビューを持っています, there are currently no reviews for this company on Google My Business. However, this doesn't necessarily reflect the quality of their services.
Based on the information available, we can say that 舟野喜代子税理士事務所 is a wheelchair-friendly office that specializes in tax accounting. If you are looking for a tax accountant in the Kanazawa area, this office may be worth considering.
We recommend visiting their website or contacting them directly for more information. You can easily get in touch with them by phone at the number listed above.