有限会社 糸魚川ビルクリーナー - 糸魚川市, 新潟県

住所: 日本、〒941-0067 新潟県糸魚川市横町4丁目2−59 有限会社 糸魚川ビルクリーナー.
電話番号: 255528612.

専門分野: 不動産管理会社.
その他の興味深いポイント: 車椅子対応の駐車場, 車椅子対応の入り口.
口コミ: この会社はGoogle My Businessで0件のレビューを持っています。
平均意見: 0/5.

の場所 有限会社 糸魚川ビルクリーナー

糸魚川ビルクリーナーは、〒941-0067 新潟県糸魚川市横町4丁目2−59 にある、不動産管理会社です。

この会社は、専門分野として不動産の管理を取り扱い、顧客様 toward your real estate needs.

one of their key features is their commitment to accessibility. They offer a parking lot with wheelchair access, as well as a wheelchair-accessible entrance. This makes it easy for everyone to access their services, regardless of mobility limitations.

Unfortunately, there are currently no reviews for this company on Google My Business, so we cannot provide you with any insight into the experiences of previous customers. However, we can tell you that their average rating is 0/5 based on 0 reviews.

The company's telephone number is 255528612 if you would like to contact them directly. However, we recommend visiting their website to learn more about their services, team, and values. Their website may provide more information on what sets them apart from other property management companies, as well as any promotions or special offers they may be currently running.

In conclusion, if you are looking for a reliable and accessible property management company in the 新潟県糸魚川市 area, 糸魚川ビルクリーナー is a great option to consider. Their commitment to accessibility and customer service makes them a standout choice for anyone in need of real estate management services. Don't hesitate to reach out to them through their website for more information.

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